When you kiss your husband in his friends wedding| bts ff|

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Yn’s mom: Yn, look up and tell us, did you like him!?

You slowly lift your face and look at taehyung.

Yn: Omg, he is very handsome. 😳😍

In your thoughts:
Wow, I’ve never seen such a handsome and cute boy before. Uff, his lips look so lonely, ahh~~

Yn’s mom: Yn, what are you thinking? Tell me, do you like him or not?

Yn: Mom, I like him, I’m ready to marriage him😳

Other side:
Taehyung’s dad: Taehyung, look at yn, did you like her to be your wife?

Taehyung: *blushing* Dad, your choice is my choice.

After a few days, you and Taehyung get married it’s a arrange marriage.

Your POV:
Uff, Taehyung, how can you be so shy with me? It’s been a month since our wedding, and you still haven’t kissed me, Why are you so hesitating to get comfortable with me?

Taehyung sets an alarm on his phone and goes to sleep.

Yn: Tae, wake up, it’s time for your office.

Taehyung: Aaa!! Yn, please let me sleep for another 10 minutes.

Yn: Okay, my hubby. I’ll go and make the breakfast for you in the meantime.

You go to the kitchen and prepare your husband’s favorite breakfast.

[After a few minutes]

Yn: Tae, it’s already 7 o’clock; you’re getting late for your office.

Taehyung hurriedly wakes up, and goes to wash room, he forget to take clothes with him.

[After 30 minutes]

Yn: Hubby, hubby, what are you doing in the bathroom for soo long?

Taehyung: Yn, can you pass me my clothes? I accidentally forgot to bring them.

Your POV:
If he forgot his clothes, he should have asked me earlier. My hubby is so innocent.

You choose a cute and good-looking dress for your husband.

[After he gets ready]

Yn: Tae, your favorite breakfast is ready. Let’s eat together.

Taehyung: Yn, I need to go to the office as I’m already late; I’ll eat something at a restaurant, Don’t worry about me you have your breakfast

Yn: Okay, Tae, take care.

After your husband leaves, you start crying.

Your POV:
Why doesn’t my husband treat me like a wife? Why is he so shy with me? It’s been a month since our wedding, and he hasn’t kissed me yet. Why don’t he understand my feelings?

You continue to think about this.

[Doorbell rings]

Yn: Who is it?

Taehyung: Yn, it’s me, your lovely husband.

Taehyung comes close, hugs you, and takes you to the bedroom.

Taehyung: Yn, get ready quickly; we need to go somewhere said excitedly.

Your POV: What happened to him? Why is he showing so much love today? And why is he so happy?

Yn: Hmm, okay, but where are we going?

Taehyung: Today is my friend Sofia’s wedding.

Yn: Sofia? Who is she, and why are you so excited for her wedding? Weren’t you this happy at our wedding day?

Taehyung: She’s my friend from the office and today she is getting married I totally forgot about this, you get ready we are getting late.

Yn: Okay, fine. 🙄

After some time, you both get ready and head to the function hall.

As you enter, you see everyone enjoying with their partners, but your husband doesn’t treat you the same way like others husband dose.

Everyone claps happily for the bride and groom.

Yn: Tae, look how happy they are on their wedding day, and look at us, still not feeling comfortable with each other.

Taehyung: It’s not our fault. They already know each other and have dated before, so they don’t feel uncomfortable.

Yn: Oh, I see. Then why did you agree for our marriage? Why didn’t you marry someone you love?

Taehyung: 🙁 I’ve never loved someone before and I never get close to any girl, Sofia is my office friend soo we are little bit close to each other.

In a short while, everyone starts cheering.

1st person: Wow, look at how beautiful this couple looks.

2nd person: Yes, his wife is so lucky to have someone who treats her so well.

[After a few minutes]

Suddenly, Sofia’s husband lifts her on his horse and kisses her, and Sofia responds.

Taehyung smiles as he watches.

Yn: Why are you smiling at them? You Haven’t kissed me yet, but enjoying others kissing scene? 😐

Taehyung: Sorry, Yn. I’ve never kissed anyone; I don’t know how to do it. I feel so embarrassed as our marriage was arrange marriage soo.

Your POV:
Wow, my husband is so innocent. A wife gets a kiss on her wedding day, but he’s shy about it he kissed me on my forehead on our wedding day but after that day he never kiss me even on Chik.

You take Taehyung’s hand and lead him to a corner.

Taehyung: Yn, why did you bring me here?

Yn: Shhh 🤫, do you know how handsome and cute you look? The day I first saw you, I fell for your lips, but I never got a chance to kiss them.

You take Taehyung’s head close and kiss his lips. After a few seconds, Taehyung starts responding to your kißs.

[After a few minutes]

The kiss deepens, and the love between you and Taehyung begins to blossom. The atmosphere around you changes, and now both of you feel more connected.

You and Taehyung leave the wedding with a newfound understanding and affection for each other. As you walk hand in hand, he looks at you with a smile that speaks volumes.

Taehyung: Yn, I never knew a simple kiss could make everything feel so easy. Thank you for understanding and taking the first step.

Yn: Sometimes, all it takes is a small step to cross the bridge. I’m glad we’re finally breaking through those barriers.

Days pass, and you both start building a stronger bond. Taehyung becomes more expressive, and your relationship was filled with love and understanding.

Your home is now filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the warmth of a love that has grown over time. Taehyung surprises you with small gestures, and the once shy husband becomes more open and affectionate.

Taehyung: Yn, you’ve brought so much joy into my life. I can’t imagine it any other way.

Yn: And you’ve become my pillar of strength. Our journey had its ups and downs, but I’m grateful for every moment.

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