taehyung oneshot ff mafia

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taehyung oneshot ff mafia

Taehyung is a mafia king in underworld and he owns so many companies. He buy anything he likes with his money But something is missing in his life- “love”.

taehyung mafia edit

(In xyz company where yn is working)

Due to losses, the owner of the company where you work sells it to the mafia.

Unaware of that the owner of your old company has sold it to mafia king.

[At the office cabin]

You enter your office cabin daily in beautiful attire, and there Taehyung sitting in chair and looking at your photos on the laptop.

Yn: Hey mister, who are you? How dare you come into my cabin without my permission and look at my personal things?

Taehyung looks at you and remains silent.

Yn: I’ll say it once, so understand. Get up and leave immediately.

Taehyung rises from the chair, grabs your hand firmly, and pushes you against the corner of the wall and pins your hands.

Taehyung: Keep your mouth shut first 💢.

Yn: what is this behaviour leave my hands mister.

Taehyung suddenly kisses your lips.

Taehyung: I’ve been waiting for your arrival. Be the way I want you to be.

After kissing you, Taehyung leaves.

You immediately go to Suga (employee) and ask,

Yn: Mr. Suga, who is the new person in our company? said in an angry tone

Suga: Why are you so angry?

Yn: How did he dare to come into my cabin and kiss me without my consent? Today, he’s in my hands💪🏻.

Suga: Miss Yn, cool down. He is the new boss of our company from today.

Yn: What? Has the boss of our company changed?

Suga: Yes, Yn. Due to the company’s losses, the owner has handed the company over to the mafia.

Author's POV:
You are an orphan, having learned to live alone since childhood. Your hard work has led you to a good position, and you maintain a good bond with the orphanage that helped you.

[At lunchtime]

A man enters your cabin.

Tae Bodyguard: Miss Yn, our boss has invited you for lunch.

Yn: Go and tell him I won’t have lunch with that despicable person.

Tae Bodyguard: Miss Yn, you’re very lucky; it’s the first time the boss has invited a girl for lunch, and you’re rejecting him.

Yn: Yes, I’ll do what I want.

[Taehyung’s office]

Bodyguard: Boss, Yn has declined the lunch invitation.

Taehyung: Did you tell her that I invited her?

Bodyguard: Yes, boss. It seems she’s upset with you.

Taehyung: Fine. Call Jungkook here quickly.

jungkook using laptop
Name: Jungkook, Taehyung's right hand.
Work: Collect information of everyone.

Jungkook: Boss, did you call me?

Taehyung: Yes. I need all the information about Yn.

Jungkook: Okay, boss. I’ll gather and send you the information by tonight.

Taehyung: Okay.

[Next day in the morning]

Jungkook: Boss, we found out from this information that she is an orphan and stays in an orphanage showing a map This is the place where she lives.

Taehyung: And what did we find out about her background? Does she have a crush or boyfriend?

Jungkook: Boss, she’s a good girl and a hardworking one. It turns out she doesn’t make connections quickly with anyone.

Taehyung: Okay, then let’s go to the orphanage and make a connection ourselves.

Jungkook: Boss, connection? What kind of connection?

//Taehyung lowers his head and starts blushing//

Taehyung: Jungkook, you know, I haven’t liked any girl until now, but the first time I saw her, I liked her. Let’s go to the orphanage and ask for a proposal for her marriage.

[At evening]

You go to the orphanage after finishing your office work. You see Sister sitting in a corner, crying, and you approach her.

Yn: Sister, what happened? Why are you sad?

Sister then tells you about the incident, and you immediately go to Taehyung in anger.

[At Taehyung’s office]

Without permission, you enter in Taehyung’s office and grab his collar, speak angrily.

Yn: How dare you go to my orphanage and threaten them? What do you want from me?

Taehyung: I want to make a deal with you.

Yn: Tell me the deal.

Taehyung: You have two options –
1. Marry me.
2. Or leave the orphanage.

Yn: Never. I’ll never marry a despicable person like you, ever in my dreams.


The owner of the orphanage had borrowed money from Taehyung but couldn’t repay it. They keep this a secret from everyone.

[Now in present]

Taehyung: You may not know, but the orphanage you’re living in is under my control now.

Yn: What are you saying? How is that possible?

Taehyung: Go and ask your orphanage’s owner; he’ll tell you everything.

[At night]

You go to the orphanage owner and your sister talking..

Sister: Owner, how will we take care of these children? If the mafia takes over the orphanage, what will happen?

Owner: I borrowed money, and I don’t have enough to repay it now.

You secretly listen to their conversation, becoming worried about the orphanage. You start considering Taehyung’s marriage deal to save the orphanage.

[At morning]

As usual, you start working in your office, and Taehyung enters without permission.

Yn: Sir, don’t you have the decency to knock before entering my cabin? 💢

Taehyung: Knock before entering? This is my company, and I am the owner. I don’t need to knock for anyone.

Yn: Then why did you come to me?

Taehyung: I came to know about the deal I made with you yesterday.

Yn: Look, I have no interest in you, yet you want to marry me.

Taehyung: I just like you. I want to spend my entire life with you.

Yn: But I can never agree to this. Please leave me alone.

Taehyung: Fine, I’ll leave you alone, but I’ll take away the orphanage.

Yn's POV
The orphanage is the most important thing in my life. I can sacrifice everything for them.

Yn: Okay, okay, I’ll marry you, but don’t think I have any interest in you.

//Then you marry Taehyung//

[Slowly time skip taehyung did everything to win your heart but you never feel anything towards him]

[At morning]

Taehyung receives a call from his business partner.

Partner: Taehyung, we’ve arranged a party for you. Come quickly.

Taehyung gets ready and attends the party, unaware that it’s a setup to harm him. A fight breaks out between Taehyung and his enemies, during which Taehyung is shot near his heart and collapses.


Seeing Taehyung in such a state, you start crying.
You hold Taehyung’s hand and speak.

Yn: Tae, you’re my everything.


Taehyung: My beautiful wife, get ready quickly; we’re going out.

You get ready, unaware that your husband is taking you on a date.

Taehyung takes you to a beautiful place and starts expressing his love.

Taehyung: Beautiful wife, this is a small gift for you ring take it.

Yn: Taehyung, I have nothing to do with you. I married you to save the orphanage.

Taehyung puts the ring on your finger, and you later throw it away in front of him.

Like this so many things start flashing in your mind how tae express his feelings and how you ignore him and hurt him with your words.

You start taking care of taehyung and gradually falling for him.

[Time skip]

Taehyung recovered full and you both came home and start living peacefully but you prepare suprise for taehyung and take him on date.

Yn: I love you so much Taehyung I’m sorry I’m a bad wife but when I saw you in hospital bed and so many wires connected to your body. I feel like someone special gone from my life. (You start crying)

taehyung hug you and said
Taehyung: “I love you too wifey”

Yn: thank you tae for accepting me in your life.

Taehyung: thank you wifey for accepting me also.

Taehyung kiss you on your forehead and said
Taehyung: “can I kiss you wifey”

You nod and you both share beautiful kiss

[Time skip]

Tae attending his meeting in his study room and suddenly door open and your 3 years old daughter come while running and said

Daughter: “daddy mommy feeding me green vegetable please hide me “

Tae chuckle and take his daughter in his arms and make her sit in table.

Yn: “you little brat come here”

Baby: no mommy

Taehyung: leave it wifey, she is small don’t take stress.

Yn: you both are same don’t talk to me😤.

Taehyung covered his daughter eyes and kiss your lips

Yn blushed and hide his face in his chest.

[The end]

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