Taehyung ff oneshot| Bts v ff oneshot 2023|

By Kehqasa

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Taehyung ff oneshot

Taehyung ff oneshot

Today is a sunny day, and when you woke up, you saw your husband getting ready for the office.

Y/N: hubby

Taehyung: what happened baby

Tae came near you to check is everything was alright, you instantly hugged him tightly. Tae got confused by your sudden action.

Taehyung: Baby are you alright! is something there which is bothering you??

Yn: No hubby I just want to be with you for some more time and you are leaving for office you said this all making pout

Taehyung: I have to go.. today is an important meeting but i promise I will took early leave to spend time with you.

Y/N: Okay

//Tae got up and give you a sweet morning kiss which makes you feel happy and energetic from inside//

Taehyung: Take care.. i will be late tonight

Y/N: Okay

Taehyung go from there then you got up from bed and do your morning routine..

You and taehyung are in a relationship from past two years still not married, but taehyung loves you so much.. so you are not worried about marriage you both live together in a building.

After completing your daily work you lay on bed to watch something on TV.. but suddenly bell start ringing.

“Who is it now?” you thought and went to check. When you opened the door, you saw your best friend there.

Y/N: Hello Sofia..when did you come back you asked and took her inside

you both sat on bed and start talking

Sofia: you know how much i missed you, there you didn’t even call me for once

Y/N: i thought you were busy there..that’s why I didn’t call you

Sofia: okay let it be today I am here so spend some time with me and let’s go we will go and shopping today

Y/ N: why not let me get ready

You get inside your room and get ready.. you both go to mall and start shopping🛍️ you both were enjoying eachother company so you didn’t even realise about the time. it’s already dinner time so you both go to a club which is also a good resturant you sat on table and order food.

While waiting for food you noticed a similar figures infront of you it’s your boyfriend taehyung.. who is dancing with a girl happily holding his waist the girl is holding taehyung by his neck and pulling him towards herself, suddenly another girl come from the other table and go near taehyung she kissed taehyung on the cheeks which taehyung didn’t replied anything

You got so much angry want to ask taehyung why he is here and what is he doing you got up but suddenly falls on floor

When you open your eyes you were in hospital and your bestfriend is sitting near you holding your hand

Y/N: what happened sofia why are we in hospital

Sofia: you got unconscious and falls on floor.. I call the ambulance and go from there when doctor checked you they said it’s normal

Y/N: wait normal I don’t think so

Sofia: because you are pregnant stupid..ohh I am so happy my bestie is going to be a mother uff my eyes

Your friend is so happy but you were lost in thoughts what should you do because you just found out how your boyfriend is. You are so much worried

You got discharged from hospital and come back to home, your friend also goes back to her home

You were thinking about what to do next and sleep

[Next morning]

When you woke up you saw your husband is talking to someone in balcony

Taehyung(on phone): why not if there is no love then leaving everything is best option..I don’t want this relationship to become more and more…it’s like killing me I don’t want anything..I am going to leave this all its making my life hell.

//You heard everything//

Is he talking about our relationship if he doesn’t want me.. what will I do and now I am even pragnent I don’t want to lose my child while thinking about this.. you come back to room and sit on bed you were touching your belly

Taehyung also come back from balcony

Taehyung: you slept last night early

Y/N: yeah, how was your meeting

Taehyung: it’s amazing baby but I do have a important meeting today too so sorry we can’t spend time together today also

Y/N: hmm

Taehyung gets ready and go from there. You decide to follow him this time, so you also go outside. You see Taehyung heading in a different direction, and a car stops in front of a big mansion. A girl comes out from the mansion and takes Taehyung with her, it’s the same girl from last night.

Now it’s confirmed he doesn’t want me anymore.. he is going to leave me soon😔..you thought like that and come back to home

You were so much tense about what is on going right now so you didn’t eat you were just sitting near bed and thinking about what to do next

[At night]

Taehyung come back home he found you sitting near bed crying badly😭😭 you eyes are puffy and red taehyung come near you and hold your face

Taehyung: what happened baby why are you crying

Y/N: why do you care you are going to leave me why are you here now?? don’t you have an important meeting with that beautiful girl go and be with her💢.

Taehyung: beautiful girl.. leaving you…what are you saying baby

Y/N: you can go anywhere I will not stop you..do whatever you want💢

You get up and going from there but suddenly taehyung hold your hand and pin you on bed

Taehyung: can you tell me what happened.

Taehyung asked in harsh voice you told him everything what ever you see last night and today

Taehyung: ufff baby you should ask me first how can you think that i will leave you.

That girl is my business partner daughter she is like a daughter to me and about the phone call u was taking about the new project and management team and this morning I go to meet my business partner who is sick,

he explained everything to you, Now tell me when did I said I am going to leave you he asked in soft voice

//You looked down//

Y/N: i am sorry hubby I think you are cheating me and ~~

Taehyung: and…?

Y/N: Taehyung, do you know that I’m pregnant?

Taehyung: Really I am very happy that our baby is coming..

Y/N: Taehyung are you forgetting? We are not married yet, and if this pregnancy news gets out, people will start to misunderstand us.

Taehyung comes close to you and hugs you and starts saying

Taehyung: We have been dreaming of this dream for a long time.. now it’s time for us to marry each other.

You are very happy after hearing taehyung words

Y/N: Yes, Taehyung you’re right. Let’s go and tell our parents.

Taehyung: Yn never think of me as wrong again.. I love you more than my life I can’t live without you..

Y/N: okay Hubby I will not do this again sorry

After a few days your parents agreed to the marriage, and you both get married.

[The end]

Taehyung ff, bts v ff, bts ff taehyung, tae ff, bts fanfiction, bts ff, bts ff oneshot

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