Mafia kim taehyung part-12

By Kehqasa

Updated on:

Boss:- yes cold

Rose:- San what are you doing here?

San:- rose schocked I’m .. I’m….

Manager:- president the file you asked for didn’t see rose

Rose:- you’re president of this company

Boss:- yes cold

San:- 😅

Manager:- ms rose let me give you president ruten for the day

Rose:- hmm ok

San:- you go

Rose was about to go

San:- not u rose but her

Manager:- understand left from there

Rose:- why you didn’t tell me about you being president

San:- no it’s just I thought you would be soo open to me if I told you me about being president you know you’re really cute and I think I do deserve one assistant like you said it cutely

Rose:- chuckle 🤭 that’s really cute of you

San:- is that soo soo should we go for lunch together as a celebration of your first day of job

Rose:- sure

Like this time passed one day san friend come to meet him they are MAFIA friends the both friends are really dengerous and good friends no one dear to mess with them who ever miss with them they dead for sure they’re friendship is like when san get hurt the pain was feel my Thomas

Thomas come to office to meet san but san got same work on base soo he left from well rose was doing her work he didn’t knock the door as he never do he directly walk inside he see rose who was busy in work and she was looking really beautiful like Rose he walks to Rose

Thomas:- looking beautiful like rose

Rose:- look at Thomas with her beautiful eyes for a second Thomas lost in her eyes who are you!? and how did you know my name

Thomas:- soo you’re name is rose you’re beautiful like like your name

Rose:- thank you for your compliment but who are you and what are you doing here

Thomas:- I’m very especially person for your boss

Rose:- you know my boss

Thomas:- yes we are good friends or you can say best friends

Rose:- soo you’re san best friend

Thomas:- yes, wait you take your boss name aren’t you scary of lossing your job

Rose:- why would I loss my job

Thomas:- you take his name he don’t like anyone take his name it can send them to hell

Rose:- scared but he told me to take his name when we are alone we are friends

Thomas:- ohh Kitty you get scared easily you must be especial to him

Rose:- I don’t know

Thomas:- you know I think I start liking you

Rose:- shocked wa.. what!?

Thomas:- as a friend I want to be your friend if you don’t have any problem

Rose:- ohh I thought something else, yeah why not I would like to be your friend

Thomas:- (whatever you have thought is right I really think I fall for you at first side) well later me and san are going to have dinner together I would be really happy if you joined us

Rose:- why not!?

Thomas:- I’ll send someone to pick you up

Rose:- ok

Thomas left from there later drive come to pick her up soon she reached restaurant

Rose pov
I think this restaurant is very expensive why did I say yes to come here

Thomas:- you come rose let’s go inside

San:- what are you doing here rose!?

Rose:- actually……..

Thomas:- actually na I have gone to you office as I told you about that and then I meet rose soo I asked her to have dinner with us as I asked her to be my friend and she accepted it now we are friend

San:- why did you accept has friendship!?

Rose:- he asked me soo sweetly how can I reject him

San:- if anyone asks you to be your friend are you going to accept him

Rose:- yes long as he is not a bad person

San:- and how u are going to find he is bad person or not

Rose:- I don’t know

San:- you…*angry*

Thomas:- why are you shouting on her aam I’m watching you for soo long do you think rose made a mistake to accept my friendship

San:- no it’s not like that Thomas it’s just I know when you get angry you won’t be able to handle it I don’t want you to hurt rose

Thomas:- you mean I’ll hurt rose

They’re about to start fighting but

Rose:- you both Stop I’m sorry I came here I’ll take my leave you don’t have to fight with each other because of me

San:- no rose it’s not like that listen…

Thomas:- carry her let’s go inside and have our dinner I’m hungry

Rose:- shocked

San:- wth how dear you carry her put her down

Rose:- yes put me down

Thomas:- you both Stop yelling or I’ll kill her

San:- stop shouting

Rose:- you’re going to kill me I’m going to kill you dame idiot put me down

Thomas:- little kitten 🐈 want to get down

Rose:- I’m not a kitten

San:- take rose from his hand I’ll take her inside

Thomas:- woo dude chill you can take her but only for now

San:- didn’t give a dame to him

Later they all had dinner and san went to drop rose to her house like this time skip one day san confess his feelings for rose Rose did accept has feelings because she start liking him when they meet they both had feelings for each other but they never told about them but san decide to propose her because he got the news that her uncle and aunty will marry her to someone old as rich person but he already killed that person who was literally her grandfather age san go to meet Thomas and tell him about has relationship between rose and him

San:- Thomas you know today I…. What happened to you you’re looking very happy today

Thomas:- yeah because I’m going to propose love of my life

San:- you’re going to propose wait you like someone I thought you never going to love anyone

Thomas:- yeah I did thought the same until I meet her now I truly love her

San:- and I want to say I confess my love today and she accept it now I’m planning to get married as soon as I can

Thomas:- ohh I’m really happy for you is she or he

San:- what do you mean, you think I’m gay!?

Thomas:- hmm nod has head

San:- I’m not gay and my soon to be wife is rose angry

Thomas:- chill bro why get…… what you like rose schocked

San:- yes and she likes me too and we will marry each other soon I can’t wait to marry her

To be continued…
Next part-13

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