falling for your bodyguard jk| jungkook ff|

By Kehqasa

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These Taehyung fanfiction story have no connection to reality.

jungkook ff oneshot, jk ff, jungkook oneshot ff

jungkook ff

Taehyung: I’m taehyung your kidnapper

Than you heard a voice that make you turn

Jungkook: and i am jungkook your soon to be husband.

He was on his knees with ring in his hand in wedding suit

Jungkook: will you marry me

You was shocked tears was escaping from your eyes

Jungkook get up for wipping your tears But you slapped him

Jungkook: ouchh.

Everyone loves a person who protects his love but what if you fall in love with your protector.

Yup I fell in love with my bodyguard..

Your father is a chief minister, and as you are his only daughter..he loves me more than anything, One day at your College you’re talking with your friend when Suddenly two people point their gun at you

You were terrified, They drag you in the car and take you to the factory, You were tied with a chair

Y/n: what are you doing, why you tied me here

Kidnapper: shut up… slept you.

/You were terrified now/

At your home your dad was reading the newspaper when he received a call

Y/n dad: hello

Kidnapper: good morning chief minister sir…what are you doing.

Y/n dad: who is this?

Kidnapper: well forget all introductions sir, we have something to say your daughter is really beautiful

Y/n dad: what do you mean…where is she.. he yell at him

Kidnapper: shhh don’t scream….or else we don’t know what will happen with your dear daughter.

Y/n dad: what do you want from me

Kidnapper: nothing just wants you to release our master……woo bin..

Y/n dad: wth..this is impossible he is going to hang soon.

Kidnapper: I think , little girl your dad doesn’t love you

/Tears were escaping from your eyes/

Y/n: dad….

Your dad heard your voice and got scared.

Kidnapper: you have 2 hours..

After that he hung up, Here your dad called.

Kim Seokjin: hello…head officer seokjin speaking.

Y/n dad: send someone to bring my daughter she is kidnapped

Kim Seokjin: don’t worry sir..your daughter will be there with you after an hour call end than Seokjin hung up and make a call Someone received it.

Someone: hello…..( Cold voice).

Kim Seokjin: i am giving you a location, be there in 15 minutes and yes make sure nothing happen to that girl

Someone: okay ( cold voice).

That they hung up the phone At your side You were struggling to get free

Y/n: look i am not someone whom you can bully do you want my dad to free that dog

After listening that Kidnapper slap on your face very hard because of that you lip started to bleed,But in next second that kidnapper is lying dead on floor Jungkook shoot at his forehead ,Other kidnappers run to beat jungkookbut than he punch on his chest and give a taekwondo kick on other he started fighting with them

You’re amazed by this dashing, hot man who is beating your kidnapper infront of you After few minutes all kidnapper are lying on floors,Than jungkook came near to you and untie your hands You get up from chair but your eyes wasn’t leaving him

Jungkook: your dad send me here to free you ( cold voice )

Y/n: you are hot

/Jungkook look at you with deadly eyes/

Y/n: sorry you are not

Jungkook shook his head and start walking you was walking beside him You was measuring your height with his

Y/n: hey angry young man what is your name

He again give you a glare and You went quite again After few seconds you again ask

Y/n: btw what do you do are you any mafia or something ,He ignore your question He open care door for you You sat in quietly Whole ride he spoke nothing you asked him few questions but he ignore them all soon you reached home At your home he open car door for you,You went down you father was desperately waiting for you when you came he hug you without wasting a second Jungkook was standing opposite with any emotionless face Than your father broke hug and said

Y/n dad: thank you very much officer..

Jungkook: it’s my job sir, *with Emotionless face*

/He salute and left from there You was keep looking at his fading figure/

Y/n dad: go my dear get fresh .I’ll assist you some bodyguard from now

Y/n: You wasn’t happy with your dad decision but a idea came in your mind than you speak, dad I don’t want many bodyguard around me the guy who came here and save me today just assist him

Y/n dad: but y/n I’m not sure if he will agree or not

Y/n: only him or no one else

After saying this you left to your room

In evening Your dad call seokjin

Seokjin: head officer Kim seokjin reporting sir

Y/n dad: excuse me mr. kim but can I know which officer you send to save my daughter

Seokjin: it’s Jeon jungkook the special commander of our military

Y/n dad: I have a request..

Seokjin: yes sir please tell me.

Y/n dad: I want your special offer to be my daughter bodyguard as you see I am CM and my this post is not safe for my daughter, so from now own protecting her in now your job Mr.kim

Seokjin: sure sir I’ll talk with him and from tomorrow he’ll be your daughter bodyguard

Y/n dad: thank you mr kim

They Hung up the call,You heard everything from behind you were dancing in happiness than you go inside your room

Y/n: finally Mr.angry young man,you have to baar me now, he was so handsome specially his fighting skills OMG it’s feels like I was watching in movie when he come to save it was like he is my male lead and I’m has female lead ohh man what magic you have done on me

[Next morning]

When you wake up you get fresh and come down while dress up beautifully for your new bodyguard After having your breakfast you went to your car but saw

Jungkook was standing in black outfit with black sunglasses, Your heart started to Beats fast , when you’re busy in admiring him you heard a voice

Y/n dad: from now on he’ll be your bodyguard yn

You just nod your head but internally you was dancing crazily,You went to jungkook

He open a car door without looking at you

You don’t like it You sat in than jungkook came in and started to drive you asked him for his name but he didn’t speak for a while You look otherside with sad pouty face,than later reply you

Jungkook: jungkook, *said in cold voice*

/You turn to him with widden eyes/

Y/n: did you just tell me your name

Y/n: well your name sexy just like you and your voice

Jungkook look at other side like he is ignoring you ,arrogant you mumble He heard you but didn’t say anything after sometime car stop infront of her college You went down and come to him

Y/n: my class will over at 12:30 so….when will you come to get me.

Jungkook looked at you , you’re looking at him while keeping your face on widow side supporting your face with your hands jungkook was still sitting in the car

Jungkook: just go in….you will get me here whenever you came ( cold voice )

Y/n: okay mr.angry young man

You left while jumping Jungkook looked at you,Jungkook pov What is she , is she a talking machine, can’t she keep her mouth shut for a while,one thing why i tell her my name and she show me that sad cute pout she is just a distraction When you went in your friends asked you

Myra: who was that hottie

Y/n: You glare at her, he is my boyfriend so better for you to not give him that type of name *you said in serious tone*

Aira: come on y/n she was just kidding don’t get serious

Y/n: i am serious only for him don’t you ever dare to say anything like this about him in future

After saying this you went in your class.

When you class get overy ou came out running and you saw Jungkook was waiting for you while standing with the support of car bonut You went to him

Y/n: were you standing here all the time for me

He looks at you and opens a car door for you You sat in quietly In car on the way

Y/n: well do you have any problem or don’t you know how to talk /you said that Jungkook glare at you/just this whenever I try to say something you show me those sexy eyes you know you are seducing me with those eyes

Jungkook choked his saliva and pressed the car break He gave you death glare than he speak

Jungkook: are you really a girl,why are you that much talkative huh why you always flirt with me *said that Cold tone*

/You start smileing at him like a fool/

Jungkook: are you idiot i scold you and you are smiling at me you have any mental health problem

Y/n: finally you spoke a whole essay, not that one i expect but atleast for scolding me but you talked to me I’m soo happy, *He look at you with any unbelievable reaction* come on dude,don’t give me that cold shoulder to this sweet innocent girl

He sighed and start the car again you was keep blabbering and he was listening it as he don’t have any option,He drop you at you home he was about to leaves

Y/n: hey aren’t you are my bodyguard for 24/7,so you should stay here

Jungkook: i know miss,

/After saying this he left/

Y/n: j*rk always show attitude but I like his attitude is sexy like him

You left while smiling like idiot

When you enter you saw your dad is leaving

Y/n: where are you going dad you asked him

Y/n dad: ofcourse for helping the people who need my help

/You smile at your dad and said/

Y/n: take, care of yourself dad

Y/n dad: you too.

Y/n: ofcourse dad jungkook is here to take care of me

Y/n dad: so start liking him

/You nod your head like child/

Y/n dad: but y/n he is not the guy who made for love and relationship thing

You look at your dad and said

Y/n: that’s doesn’t mean dad he don’t deserve love

Y/n dad: finally start talking like mature girl, Pat’s your head, if he hurt you tell me your dad will beat him

Y/n: before you I’ll beat him

You hug your dad and said

Y/n: be careful dad your little girl will wait for you

Y/n dad: Your dad pecks on your forehead,as I am not here jungkook and other bodyguard will here to take care of you

You nod your head than your dad left

One evening when you came at dinning table you saw jungkook was in garden doing taekwondo practice You look at him and mumble

Y/n: my future hubby is soo handsome

After half an hour later

You are still staring at him

When he look at you,your eyes meet with his, your heart started to beats fast but after few seconds later you both broke eyes contacts

Your pov
WTH dude why you always best fast at wrong moments,Than jungkook came to you and said

Jungkook: do you need anything *said In Cold tone*

Y/n: you…

Jungkook was looking at you like he get used to it

Y/n: I want you to take me out..i am getting bore here.

Jungkook: be ready in 10 minutes, *He left while saying it*

Y/n: the hell with his attitude, you Said in loud voice ,who are you to order me *said in low voice*

Jungkook heard it and a small smile appear on his face Than he realised he just smile, After ten minutes he was waiting for you

Y/n: i am here let’s go buddy..

He open the door for you and you sit inside After sometime later jungkook take you to amusement park Your eyes sparked

Y/n: omg thank you so much jungkook

/You gave him side hug Jungkook eyes went wide You ran inside /

Jungkook pov
WTH, why are you beating that fast she just hug me what’s so good in running like bullet train

Y/n: what are you doing there, come here.

Jungkook come to you You take jungkook to various ride yes when you ask him to ride with you give you he give you a death glare but in the end he have to agree with you after enjoying alot with you he take you home On the way

you know behind us a couple was sitting,when the ride start the boy was screaming loudly and his girl was telling him keep has mouth shut your not boyfriend of a witch ,you start laughing And jungkook gave a smile

Y/n: heyy look there

When jungkook turn to you ,you click his picture, you look more handsome when you smile keep smiling like this than Jungkook realise he was smiling He again put a poker face.

Y/n: well now I have a handsome picture of yours

Jungkook: can I ask you something

Your eyes filled with little tears Jungkook look at you with confuse face

Y/n: you talk normally with me for the frist time and the best part you are the one who ask question i am ready answer your question ask whatever you want

Jungkook: where is your mom I have never seen your mother

Y/n: You stay silent for minute than gave him reply than you speak,my dad said she left this world when I was born I don’t even know how she looks like.l

Jungkook: why don’t your dad have any photos of your mom

/You shook your head/

Y/n: my dad said he don’t need my mom’s photos he said I’m her carbon copy *You chukle sadly*

/Than suddenly you fell to jungkook arm & hugs him..You smile cause jungkook hug you back/

You was feeling secure very in his arm his musk and scandal fragrance was making your soul melt

After sometimes later he broke the hug.

Jungkook: are you okay

/You nod and left a chuckle /

Jungkook: why are you laughing

Y/n: well I never expect that a tough guy like you know, how to talk and console anyone

/He gave you his bunny smile/

After that you both reach home

You went to your room and jungkook went his place.. Jungkook close his eyes and your smiling and laughing face flashing infront of his eyes

Jungkook pov

What is happening with me this girl is really a distraction, and biggest thing she can make me smile well I like it

[Next day]

You are getting ready for college..

When you came, as always he was waiting for you near car He open door for you, you sit in and give him a smile.

Y/n: do you have any girlfriend?

/Jungkook was driving /

Jungkook: why are you asking suddenly

Y/n: cause I wanna know

Jungkook: well no, why?

Y/n: that’s great,I mean jungkook can I say something

Jungkook: hmmm you can

Y/n: jungkook i love you, not from now but since I saw you.,after that, you was everywhere , what I do where I go I always see you everywhere, my heart and mind stay with you I really love you

Jungkook pressed the break and said

Jungkook: get down your college is here

Y/n: but you didn’t answer me yet

Jungkook: i said get down *Looking at the other side*

You get down from car tear was feeling from your eyes but he doesn’t even look at you he drive the car and went somewhere you went inside your college after wiping your tear ,After your class ends You came out from college looks here there waiting for jungkook that he must be waiting for you but he wasn’t there,tears was escaping from your eyes,you start to walk after few step away

Kim Taehyung: hii beautiful girl….

/You look at him but ignore him and started to walk away/

Kim Taehyung: ignore others is not a good thing girl *held her your hand*

Y/n: You jerk his hands,leave me jerk

You were trying to run away but he put a cloth on your mouth after that you started to loose your sense,After 6 hours later you gain your sense When you woke up you saw strange faces You try to get up but you fall again because of heavy dress

Y/n: who are you why did you kidnapped me

Kim namjoon: hii I’m namjoon

Min yoongi: I’m yoongi

Jung hoseok: I’m hoseok

Park jimin: I’m JIMIN

//Everyone laugh..//

Y/n dad: you deserve that j*rk for making my daughter cry

/You look at your dad and hug him/

Y/n dad: ohh my dear sorry for coming late..

Y/n: what’s going on here dad why I’m in this heavy wedding gown and just now.

Kim Seokjin: your wedding little girl

Jungkook was still standing there while has one hand on his cheeks

You came to him and forward your hand

Jungkook kiss on it You hug him tightly

Y/n: I hate you.. *Jungkook hug you back*

Jungkook: I love you I love you soo much

Y/n: if you love me than why you left me there

Jungkook: ofcourse for preparing this surprise wedding..

Y/n: you know after marriage I’ll make lots of trouble for you and you have to protect me from everything

Jungkook: at your protection my love

You Touch his forehead with you You chuckle

At alter

Priest: do you take miss y/n as your wedded wife.

Jungkook: yes i do..

Priest: do you take mr.jeon jungkook as your wedded husband

Y/n: yes I do

Priest: now you both may exchange the ring

Priest: now you may kiss the bride

Jungkook ear turn red.

Than you pull his coat and kiss him

Kim Taehyung: woahh

Kim namjoon: the bold bride

Park jimin: wahhhh girl you rock it

Jung hoseok: jungkook be aware she is bold tho , laugh

Y/n dad: that’s like my daughter….

Min yoongi: aish …..girl ,put hands on his eyes

Seokjin: hey leave now single peoples are here

You’re still ki*sing him…..

Priest: girl leave him or else he’ll die after the kiss because of not getting enough breath

Than you broke the kiss and said, now you’re mine don’t ever think about anyone else

Jungkook: when I have you why would I think about anyone else just remember that you’re not allow to get close to any boy in your college as it’s your last year

Everyone laugh

[The end]

jungkook ff, jk ff, jungkook fanfiction, bts ff, bts fanfiction, jungkook oneshot

Jungkook ff oneshot list

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