Bts ff oneshot| Bts ff taehyung 2023|

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Bts ff oneshot| Bts ff taehyung 2023|

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When you finally marry your idol [Taehyung♥]

Y/n is a noughty girl since she was a kid she loves music and dance she always do whatever she want as your parents are supportive you starts learning dance when you where 5 now in present you’re 17

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You’re watching BTS song and singing it too whell brushing your teeth and get ready for your school

Y/n: I wish one day I can meet them, there soo cool and Hard working
Y/n mom: y/n are you ready for you school *shout from downstairs*
You look at your self
Y/n: shit I was soo busy listening BTS songs that I forgot about my school😅 yes mom I’m ready just 5 more minutes
Y/n mom: ok come down and have your breakfast
Y/n: 😅yes mom, you fastly get ready and have breakfast then left for your school

Y/n pov
I wish I can go to BTS concert and get the chance to meet my crush V for one time in my life before I dead…
You where lost in you thoughts till someone come from back and make you flinch and you scream because of schocked
Y/n friend: ahh😵 my ear why the hell you’re screaming
Y/n: you idiot you scared me
Y/n friend: 😅sorry, did you know, that online audition are going
Y/n: online audition for what!?
Y/n friend: online audition to get select in K-POP group I suggest you to try after all you sing and dance pretty well
Y/n: 😃really *you excitedly ask*
Y/n friend: yep that’s why I’m telling you so try it
Y/n: but I don’t think I’ll get select *you said sadly*
Y/n friend: no I think you will, and don’t look down on yourself at least try, trying won’t hurt you.
Y/n: 😄yeah I will, tell me the date when audition date is
Y/n friend: 😅today is the last day
Y/n: 😶what, I don’t have time to practice
Y/n friend: don’t worry try it next time
Y/n: after giving me hope you are breaking it
Y/n friend: today is the last day soo I don’t think you will get the time to practice or prepared for it soo I’ll suggest you that when next time audition start you participate in it
[You where really mad at your friend word because she is give you hope and then she is like you won’t be able to make it]
Y/n: 😠you
Y/n friend: 😅 ohh bells ring let’s go to our class*run from there*
You left alone in the huge corridor everyone was running to the class but you were lost in your thoughts

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Y/n Pov
I have saw many videos how to give online audition I’m not sure if I’ll make it our not at least I should try
*You run to infirmary *
Y/n: nurse sister I’m not feeling well I want to go home
School nurse: why!? What happened y/n
Y/n: don’t know I’m feeling sick and my head hurts a lot I just want to go home
School nurse: wait let me give you some medicine first
Y/n: ok sister but please you go and ask principal if I can leave or not
School nurse: ok.ok here have this give her same medicine and water I’ll go and take the permission for you to leave
Y/n: ok sister *in lowe and weak voice*
School nurse: left from there
Y/n: Hope I can leave by the way I’m really good at acting

After sometime

School nurse: I have already call your parents there coming to pick you up
Y/n: ok sister
Y/n mom: what happened to my daughter??come there with a worried face
Y/n: 😶mom(be confident and act normal I mean sick) mom I’m not feeling well please take me home
Y/n mom: what happened to you y/n
Y/n: mom my head hurts and my body pain a lot
Y/n mom: then who told you to listen and dance in BTS songs
Y/n: mom don’t say anything about BTS
Y/n mom: fine let’s go
Y/n: ok mom jump from bed and run outside
[You’re mom and nurse left speechless because of your actions]

Y/n Pov
[Finally my plan get success]
Y/n mom: y/n why are you lying
Y/n: about what mom??acting like you don’t know
Y/n mom: about being sick
Y/n: no mom I’m not I’m actually not feeling well and don’t want to attend classes*make a sick face*
Yn mom: ok y/n
mom start the car and left for their home

Y/n Pov
I’m sorry mom I have to liye to you
After sometime you and your mom both Ruched home
Y/n mom: y/n I have some work you go and rest i will be little late
Y/n: ok mom ”*look like God is also with me*”
You go inside your house and start preparing to shoot audition video
Y/n: finally everything done *you take a log deep breath to calm yourself down* let’s start
You shoot a video to send in audition as you where to send the video you heard your mom who was coming to your room you hurrly hide inside blanket and pretending to sleep
Your mom come inside your room and see you sleeping then she left the room you see your mom leaving you took a deep to relive yourself and then you send the video then you sleep because of tiredness
Like this a week pass

[I didn’t get any notification about my audition will I get select or not, I wish I get select]
Y/n friend: what are you thinking soo deeply
Y/n: nothing, I have a question
Y/n friend: yeah ask
Y/n: when the audition result is going to announce
Y/n friend: next month, why are you asking this did you give the audition but don’t worry you’re not going to get select I know you’re good at dancing and singing but still you’re not that good to be a kpop star
Y/n: no I didn’t give any audition it’s just I want to know is anyone going to get select from india
Y/n friend: I did give audition and I’m 100% Sure I’m going to get select, you should feel lucky to be a friend of future k-pop queen
Y/n: oh ok let’s go to our class
Y/n friend: yeah

Just like a month pass and the day of result come you where really nervous to know the results
Y/n: don’t worry y/n if not this time then next time if you didn’t pass the audition because you have not prepared so well soo Don’t worry at least you give the audition and there is still many chance
You where comforting yourself when you’re phone get a notification and it was form big hit entertainment you’re nervous to open the notification but you take a deep breath then open that notification you where too scared to look that you’re closing your eyes tightly slowly slowly you open your eyes and start reading the message you get from big hit entertainment you where really schocked after reading the message tears start flowing out from your eyes
Y/n: I did it *in low voice* I did it shout in excitement
You’re happy till something hit you mind
Y/n: but how I’m going to tell this to mom an dad and according to this message I have to go to Korea next week for my training and I don’t think mom and dad will allow me to go Korea after all I’m 16 and according to them I’m kid what I’m going to do now
you get frustrated thinking about it
Y/n: but I’m not going to lose my chance to complete my dream and meet my love of life I’ll tell mom when she come back home

At night in dining table
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you and you parents are sitting and having dinner and you’re still thinking how you’re going to tell them and convince them to let you go Korea
Y/n dad: you know today I meet my old friend and he was saying *to your mom*
Y/n mom: what he was saying??
Y/n dad: he was saying that he want to convert our friendship into relatives
Y/n mom: I didn’t understand!?
Y/n dad: I mean he want me to marry our daughter to his son
You’re sitting schocked after listening what your father said
Y/n mom: y/n is still young to get married
Y/n dad: I’m not saying that we have to marry them now when they complete there study then at that time they will be mature too
Y/n: dad I don’t want to get married to your friend son angrily I don’t know him and I’m never going to marry him
Y/n dad: yeah but you will know him soon he is shifting to your school and they shift yesterday in our colony
Y/n: dad I don’t care about all this I have something really important to tell you I’m going to Korea next week
Your dad laugh after listening this
Y/n dad: hahaha that’s was really funny joke y/n
Y/n: I’m not joking dad I’m actually going I have give audition as a k-pop trainee and I got selected and next week I have to go and start training if I improve my dancing and singing skills I get the chance to debute as a k-pop idol
Y/n dad: fown I won’t allow you to go
Y/n: but why dad??
Y/n dad: because I don’t want you to be a pop star angry
Y/n: dad but that’s my dream *said in a sad voice*
Y/n dad: I don’t care and I don’t want to hear anything about this anymore
You’re too schocked to react and tears are continuously flowing from your eyes you run to your room and close the door and start crying badly
Y/n mom: she is hurt by your words
Y/n dad: I know but I can’t let my daughter go to another country and she is sooo young I don’t let her go outside alone and she wants to go another country all alone
Y/n mom: I know you love her and care for our daughter but I have seen the shine in her eyes….
Y/n dad: cut her*Shalini I don’t want to talk in this topic anymore*left from there

On the other side your sitting on the floor an crying in mess that time your mom come inside your room and sit next to you and wipe
Y/n mom: y/n stop crying it’s not good for your health *said softly *
Y/n: but mom you heard what dad said he want me to quit my dream*said well crying*
Y/n mom: I heard and I also don’t want you to go
Y/n: but why mom!?
Y/n mom: you know how much we loves you we won’t let you go alone anywhere and you want to go alone south korea to new country, new city, new people, new language and you haven’t seen the true colour of this world
Y/n: because you guys never let me I want to go there I want to meet new people want visit new country new city new place I want to complete my dream want to make you both proud on me please give me chance to prove myself, I’ll go there and it’s not like I go there and get selected in group I need to do training for 6 months then there be 0.2% chance for me to get selected just give me 6 months please
You’re crying and begging your mom to let you give the permission to let you go your mom can’t see you in this condition so she left the room but someone was listening their conversation and it’s non other then your dad he also left with your mom
Y/n mom: please let her go we won’t stay with her always I can’t see her in this condition
Y/n dad: I’ll think about it cold let’s go and sleep it’s already late

2 days passed

Y/n mom: she haven’t eaten anything from past 2 days I can’t see her like this it’s only for 6 months let her go and see if she get selected or not it’s her luck I’m going to sign that fom
Your dad didn’t say anything and your mom left to your room and then take the fom form you table and left the room you see her taking the fom and you start crying again
Y/n mom: here sing this papers
Y/n dad: silent “but sing the papers”
Then your parents sign the papers and your mom come to your room
Y/n mom: here y/n we have already signed the fom now come with me and eat something if you don’t eat anything then how you’re going to practice
After listening that you hug your mom and said in crying voice
Y/n: thank you mom

The past 4 days you and your mom prepare everything you need and pack it but your dad didn’t talk with you, but you said to your self one day you will make your father proud of yourself then you left for Korea after you Ruched Korea you start practicing and you’re doing really good in everything like this 6 months pass Many trainee get reject and they continue training as a trainee but fortunately you get selected in a girl group name – lovely girl’s
Your debute song name- don’t ever think, your frist song get popular and form then your journey start after 3 year’s your in the same award ceremony as BTS

Y/n pov
Omg 😍I can’t believe today finally I am going to meet RM, Suga,jin, jhope, cookie, jimin and my love V
Y/n group Mamber as friend: Look like we ruched see y/n now finally you’re going to meet your idols *in teasing tone*
Y/n: blush 🍓
Other members: awww you’re face is looking like a strawberry
Y/n: let’s go we are getting late
Then you all go inside
Group Member 1: 😶you say we are late
Group member 2: ofcourse we are that late that everyone already left
Group member 3: yeah and the stage is cleaning
Group member 4: yeah after all everyone is left
All 4 start to look at you
Y/n: embarrassed at least we are going to get front sit
All 1: *sigh*what should we do with you
Group member 3: why don’t we look around as no one is here it will be fun
Y/n: good idea let’s go guy’s
All 3: sigh let’s go
You all five start to walk around and remember there journey how they come here

Y/n pov
Being idol is not easy I’m still not that popular but get the chance to attend the same ceremony as my idol’s BTS this is not just a word this is my life Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoon-gi, Jung Hoseok, Park jimme, kim Taehyung, jeonJungkook this are not name but impression to do something to be something to Ruch your dreams because of them today I’m here
[pov end]

The event starts and you’re sitting and looking for your idols to come and you see many famous k-pop star’s like blackpink, twice, got 7, momo land, red velvet, stay kids and and many more. Finally the movement you are waiting for come BTS entered you’re looking at them continuously but the thing make you schocked and happy was they sit in front of you

Y/n pov
Omg I can’t believe my idol’s you’re are sitting in front of me V is way more handsome then he is in pic you start to dooling over your bais
should I say hii
After award ceremony end and you’re standing alone outside and Waiting for your car to come your other members are talking with manager with something
Taehyung: you’re looking nervous all time
Y/n: me *trun around* you get shocked after seeing your bais talking to you your 6 year’s dream finally come true you’re not able to speak because of happiness
Taehyung: hey where did you lost
Y/n: I love you♥
Taehyung: huh!?
Y/n: I mean I’m your Big fun
Taehyung: huh!? Ohh
Y/n: I’m your fun form last 9 year since I heard boy in luv I love every single song of your group I’m your Big fun I always wants to meet you all see you all in reality that’s why I choose to be a k-pop Star now finally my dream becomes you can I have your autograph*said in one go*
Taehyung: chuckle sure
Y/n: huh!? really
Taehyung: yeah where should I give you my autograph?
Y/n: I don’t have anything suitable to take your autograph *sadly*
after seeing you sad Taehyung take out his hanky and give his autograph in his hanky
Taehyung: here take it
*Taehyun pass the hanky to you,you happily take the hanky*
Y/n: thank you soo much (I wish the time stop here forever)
Taehyung: ok then I’m leaving
You don’t want him to go but you can’t be to greedy ,you become sad seeing taehyung leaving but all of a sudden taehyung stop and ask
Taehyung: by the way I forgot to ask your name
Y/n: my name is y/n*you said happily*
Taehyung: nice name*taehyung wink at you, you start blushing*
Taehyung: ok bye hope to meet again
Y/n: I wish *you mumbling*
That your time your other group members come they see you standing and lost in your thoughts your looking at the direction where Taehyung go but he is not there anymore he already left your friends bring you back to reality

Member 2: what are you thinking now
Y/n: nothing I’m just too happy today
Member 4: aww you’re soo happy to see you bais
you blush
Member 1: don’t teas her too much or she will become strawberry again
Y/n: let’s go our car is here
Member 3: awwww she is soo cute
You all go and sit in the car
Member 1: I’m soo sad BTS contact in going to end is 2027 hope they renewed there contract again
Y/n: what are you saying!?
Member 4: Everyone knows about it you don’t know
Y/n: yes I do but it’s just I didn’t accept that time will come this soon
Member 2: don’t worry they still had many things to do who knows what if they again renewed there contract
Member 1: yeah soo don’t be sad
You’re sitting silent and listening your friends conversation

Y/n pov
I debute in 2019 I didn’t get chance to meet my idol because of corona virus now When I finally meet them in 2022 got to know I only have 5 years to spend with them in only award ceremony hope had a good time with them after all I never thought that I would be able to meet them come to Korea and be a kpop star my dad also accept my dream in this 3 years whenever we talk he always say that I did it I keep my words and make them feel proud I’m the luckiest porsen in this world it’s five years why not make more golden memories with BTS
Like this year pass you enjoy their songs see them in concert same time talk with them too you’re happy till the date comes BTS contract end they didn’t renew there their contract this time everyone got busy in there life no one get the chance to think about anything, jin become a actor, jungkook become a solo artist and make his own song,and RM too, jhope andnSuga also started making song with other famous singer jimin become a famous model, Taehyung become a famous model and actor

(Important note)
Please don’t take this things serious it’s just a story and there is a highly chance that BTS are going to renew there contract so please the thing about BTS disbending is just a part of story please don’t take it seriously ok

Now continue the story
You where sad because of BTS disbending till you get the offer in a movie you don’t want to do but when you see who is the ml then without reading the script you sign that movie
Y/n: ahhhh I’m going to be in same movie as V ahhhh I’m soo happy *excitedly you start jumping in bed*
All members congrats you

The first day of show

Y/n pov
I’m soo movies I am in the same movie as my crush I had a crush on him since I was 11 and he was 17
Taehyung: y/n your are here
Y/n: Yeah *nervous*
Taehyung: don’t be nervous I know it’s your first time acting in movie but you don’t have to be nervous just focus on acting
Y/n: ok
Taehyung: you know that it’s a romantic movie
Y/n: romantic movie *damfold*😶
Taehyung: yeah, don’t tell me you didn’t read the script
Y/n: no I did it’s just I forgot all the lines I’ll go and revise it *then you left from there after reading the script*

Y/n Pov
It’s any romantic movie and there is lots of romantic scenes how I’m going to control myself I I’m already deeply in love with him whenever I see him I just want to hug him tightly and never let him go no worries everything will be fine till you control yourself now let’s go and get ready for shoot
then you take a deep breath and left for makeup room after you get ready and directly go to shooting area the shop gose really whell
Taehyung: I never know you’re soo good at acting
Y/n: I’m not that good
Taehyung: no you’re you know you’re the innocent person I meet and I really like your personality I would love to know you more

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Y/n: (🌝innocent he don’t know what I did with him in my dreams I make him wear my favourite dress ofcourse it’s was for women) 😅yeah sure
Everyone day you both are getting close to each other in the last day of your shooting
Director: this is the last scene you have to kiss each other
Y/n: what kiss!?
Director: ya it’s already mention in script let’s start

Y/n pov
I know I have kiss him many times in my dreams but it’s in reality I can’t wait to kiss him and give my first kiss to my crush
Then you complete the last scene you’re not showing how happy you’re form inside

Y/n pov
I’m sooo happy today finally the movie end and now we are good friends too he don’t that I have love him but I’m happy to be friend with him but today is that last day after that we are going to meet each other after a month when are movie release
Taehyung: bye see you in our movie premium
Y/n: yeah
After a month you both finally meet after watching movie you both come out
Taehyung: y/n I have something to tell you
Y/n: yeah say
Taehyung: not here can’t we go to another place
Y/n: yeah sure let’s go
Then you both go somewhere there is no one except you both
Taehyung: I want to tell you that I’m in love with you I know it’s not good as you take me as your idol and friend but I love I don’t know when I start loving you but I truly love you
You where standing their like a statue after hearing has confession
Taehyung: if you don’t love me it’s we can….
Y/n: Kiss him
Taehyung: shocked but still kiss back

After sometime

Y/n: my contract will be over in 2 months then we can officially start dating
Taehyung: soo that means you love me right
Y/n: yeah I do I love you since I know you and become your fan
Taehyung: huh you let’s get married soon
Y/n: that’s was fast
Taehyung: fast for me not for you because you love me from many years soo if you don’t like me then just reject already you don’t have to lie about loveing me
Y/n: I’m not lying I really do love you
Taehyung: the promise me after your contract will be over you will marry me
Y/n: I promise
Then you and your idol or you can say soon to be husband hug each other

[~The end~]

Taehyung ff oneshot

If you want to read more fanfiction stories then click on the link below
Taehyung ff oneshot
Jungkook ff oneshot

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