Bts ff oneshot| Bts ff taehyung| Bts v ff 2023|

By Janhvi

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Bts ff oneshot| Bts ff taehyung| Bts v ff 2023|

Bts ff oneshot, bts ff, bts taehyung ff, bts ff taehyung, bts v ff, Bts ff, 

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Y/N was a very generous girl with a beautiful soul and kindness. Growing up in the country-side with her brother and mother, she was gifted with the best characteristics and manners.

She was taught to be grateful of what she has on her plate, to not act up just for the world.

Right now, she is 18 and a cheerful and positive person going to the city side for the first time. To her luck the people she had met till now were not anything like she had assumed them to be. They smiled as she did, talked nice as she did.

Bts ff oneshot
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The main reason for her arrival at the city side was because of the Scholarship for a prestigious school of South Korean, The Hyimang. One of the best schools in the whole Asia. Not everyone had a chance to get enrolled into the school as the strict regimentation and overly priced book and living expenses of School dorms. Recently in one of their public tests where they would choose few students from Whole Busan to get enrolled in the school on Scholarship basis. Y/N was one of them.

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She had just set foot in the school as a new transfer student, she got attention from the rich and smart kids, and one of the kids looked at her, walking in her way. Y/N bowed, her long silk-thread like hair flying a little in the wind slowly blowing, white colour like pale skin showing from the short shirt she wore.

???: “Jesus you’re crafted by the god himself. ”
He waved a little to hide his blush.
SeokJin: “I am SeokJin, A senior. 12 A, You? ”
Y/N bowed to him as he took a step back, astonished to see someone bowing to him as if he was some king.
Y/N: “I am Min Y/N, A Scholarship transfer student. Actually I wouldn’t like to disturb you, but if you could show me the way to the head principal and My class? And I think I should be at 10 G?”
SeokJin: “It’s fine with me, I have afternoon classes. Can we just go and greet my brother and friends first? One of them is the same as you. A transfer student. Actually, he’s hell smart. I think you’re too! ”
Y/N: “I am not very intellectual to be exact, I heard about the exam and did it, I don’t give much thought to such things. But I see, People here do!
Y/N made a confused face, remembering how her brother was trying to scare her through the phone when she told him about the exams. This was not even close, nobody did anything to her. Maybe it’s her luck. She thought.

After a little walk in the cafeteria, six men were seated on a table. One of them waved at SeokJin, as they walked toward them.
SeokJin: “Hey! Champs! This Is Min Y/N, New student. I will be showing her the school.”
SeokJin smiled before seating and signalling Y/N to sit by his side.
SeokJin: “Y/N this is Jung Hoseok My brother, Kim Nam-jun My cousin, Jungguk Jeon My little Llama baby 🥰, Jimin Park His bestie also mine and Lastly My Biological Brother Kim Taehyeong.
SeokJin: “Hoseok is that smarty!” (whispering Y/N)
Y/N nodded.
Y/N: “Okay!” (Whispering back to SeokJin)
She looked at each of them, They either smiled or waved at her.
Her thoughts: ‘ Nam-jun has black short hair suiting him well, Jungkook has brown hair looking like a coconut and Jimin has pink hair so soft and cosy it looks on him! Jung Hoseok has the brightest smile. And this brother Kim Taehyeong has blonde hair looking like a vampire. ‘
Y/N stood up and bowed, taking them by surprise.

Kim Nam-jun: “It’s way too formal, Never do this! We are all friends! ”
Others except Nam-jun and Y/N: “Agreed”
Another guy came running with a small cat in hand.
???: “Good Morning Sunshine and My beautiful babies! BABY! ”
He practically yelled before Taking Jungkook in a hug and sitting next to Y/N. She looked at her watch before looking up to find Nam-jun and Jin chatting while Jimin looked at his nails and Taehyung stared at her.
Taehyung: “What was the exact reason for your arrival, you don’t seem to be one of us?”
Taehyung took a sip from his strawberry milk. Again looking up at her.
Y/N: “Actually, I am on scholarship. After the SNS public exams, I Came here. ”

Taehyeong nodded before biting his sandwich, the sauce spilling over his white shirt. Y/N looked at others before Noticing, Jungkook and The mint hair new boy chatting while the mint hair guy sat on his lap.
Taehyung: “Your age? ”
Y/N: “Me? ”
Taehyung: “Yes, you!”
Y/N: “Oh! I am 18”
Taehyung turned to SeokJin. Who wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, enjoying his own with Nam-jun and Hoseok.
Taehyung: “She’s my age, Jimin and I are the same, so she is, Jungkook still remains the maknae!” (smiling)
SeokJin nodded.
SeokJin: “I knew! Look at her school identity card. ”
Taehyung: “Well, I thought you were someone younger! I am sorry I made a mistake! ”
Y/N: “It’s okay.”
Y/N replied, laughing at how Imitating Taehyeong looked and how baby he acts.
Her thoughts: ‘He’s such a baby, cute with a box-like smile. Although without it, he looks like a vampire.’ Smiling at her stillness.
Taehyung: “I will show you around, my brother is busy gossiping. Don’t worry, the principal is good by the way. He won’t scold you. ”
Taehyung said before getting up, telling others.

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It’s been three months since Y/N was friends with SeokJin and others. She was grateful for having such supportive and fun friends. She even made other students her friend. Everyone complimented said she looks like Yunki Min, the popular soft rock mint hair boy, boyfriend of Jungguk Jeon and Jung Hoseok. Y/N was shocked since according to her, she did not look any way alike to Min yunki.

Right now she was walking toward her dormitory room, and a small apartment-like room. Today was a difficult day to say, she has tons of homework to complete, notebooks, study, and Clean her room.

Before she could even enter, someone tapped her shoulder.
She looked behind to find Jeongguk, and Jimin.
Jungkook and Jimin (Together): “Well, Taehyeong’s going to get a girlfriend here, since you’re his best friend we’re here to invite you to his proposal ceremony”
Y/N: “WHAT?”
Jimin: “ Yes, Pabo! ”
Y/N nodded excitedly, recently Taehyeong has told her about a girl he has taken a liking to.
Jeongguk: Walk faster, shorty!
Jimin laughed at Y/N who was shorter than both, she looked at both before running off to their usual hang out place.

These days Jimin, Jeongguk, Taehyeong, SeokJin, Nam-jun, Hoseok, and Yunki had been her closest friend group, she would spend nights with them, it was never like she felt uncomfortable. Not even once!

While running she felt a pang in heart last month she had discovered that she likes Taehyeong, that one silly bear 🐻 like guy who does unpredictable thing out of nowhere. The one who took care of her when she was left sobbing.

Flashback: Y/N was crying in the class when someone hugged her from behind, flinching as she looked up, eyes and nose red, cheeks puffy by crying. She had a slap mark on her right cheek. Recently a girl from a rich family had started to hate her, being jealous. Y/N was being bullied by her for two weeks, people with the rich girl Jennie Kim were also mean to Y/N, talked bad about her and today after the class was over, Jinnie slapped her for no reason.

Jennie Kim: A piss-bitch like you, trash should not be here but (point toward the trash bin) there! (Slaps Y/N)
Jennie’s companions laughed at Y/N who fell after Jennie Kim slapped her.
Taehyung hugged Y/N after seeing her cry, his class was 10A so he couldn’t be with her all the time, yet he was concerned about Y/N and regarding her bullying. It wasn’t unknown to anyone that Rich students of school hated Scholarship students for no reason. They always thought that the scholars should be in limits and under their feet always kissing their shoes.

Taehyung: Y/N, hey! Hey! It’s okay! I will help you! I will, others will too! Don’t cry! Please!
Taehyung said before Y/N hugged him back crying harder, he felt her body unusually warm and checked if she had a fever.
Y/N: I miss my mommy! (Sniffling and sobbing)
Taehyung: It’s okay! Okay!
Y/N got up and with Taehyung’s help went to her own dormitory room.

In dormitory room

Taehyung made her lay down before going to her small kitchen to get an ice pack from the refrigerator.
Coming back, he took her school blaser off.
That night he took care of Y/N very gracefully, he was awake the whole night that day to take care of her.

Flashback ends

Y/N reached their spot and saw Taehyeong kneeling down with a burger in hand, that YN loves the most, he was smiling while Yunki, Nam-jun and Hoseok were looking at them. SeokJin was controlling his laughter while smiling ear-to-ear. Out of every possible way and thing to propose Y/N with, Taehyung chose a burger and the garden near the cafeteria. Jimin and. Jeongguk reached, smiling.

Taehyung: Will you eat with me?:)
Y/N was laughing before she started to cry in happiness, she was sad just by thinking of Taehyeong having a girlfriend other than her, and here he proposed to her.
Taehyung: Answer before I eat this delicious burger!
Y/N: Ah! Yes! Yes you tall telephone booth!
Y/N said before taking the burger and seajin burst into laughter like everyone else present.

♥≤The end≥♥
Hope you like it.:)

If you want to read more Bts fanfiction stories then click on the link below↓
⇒Taehyung oneshot
⇒Jungkook oneshot

I am BA Psychology graduate, have been writing for over 3 years. BTS consume my days but that doesn't stop her from writing. I loves Food and Books. ( A little bookworm I am hehe- ) I spend most of her time in watching her favourite BTS and reading books📚.

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