bts ff oneshot 2023| Bts fanfiction | Bts ff wattpad |

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bts ff oneshot 2023| Bts fanfiction | Bts ff wattpad |


Y/n: Good morning🌄Dad. hugs him

Y/n’s dad: Good morning princessâ˜ș hugs her back

Y/n’s mom: Come, let’s have breakfast.

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Y/n: Mom, do I really need to leave you and Dad?

Y/n’s mom: Yes, it’s the biggest university in our country.

Y/n’s dad: Princess, I don’t want to let you goâ˜č but it’s for your future✊â˜ș.

Y/n: But Dad, in the future, I need to manage your company. I know my futuređŸ„ș

Y/n’s dad: Yes, but to manage my company, you also need to be good at studying.

Y/n: Yeah, I don’t want to go. pouts

Y/n’s mom: Stop behaving like a spoiled brat💱, and you have your flight in the evening.

Y/n: Dad😞 look how badly Mom wants to kick me out😐

Y/n mom: Or what? I never thought my one and only daughter will be like this.

Y/n: What do you mean by “like this,” Mom? in her cute little angry voice

Y/n’s dad: Honey, stop bullying my princess.

Y/n’s mom: I’m not bullying her, I’m just telling the truth. She only knows how to waste money like those rich ladiesđŸ˜€and I never want my daughter to be like those ladies. angry

Y/n’s dad: But I earn money for my family😎. If my family doesn’t use my money, who else will use it?

Y/n’s mom: You spoiled her. angry💱 leaves from there

Y/n’s dad: Don’t mind your mom, she must be frustrated because of housework.

Y/n: Hmm..well, I’m going to say goodbye to my friends.

Y/n’s dad: Okay, princess.

            [In the evening

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      WhatsApp Image 2023 07 09 at 3.09.27 PM

Y/n’s POV: I’m leaving this city where I’ve spent so many years of my life. smiles sadly.. (End of POV)

Y/n rushed to the airport, and her family and friends said goodbye to her as she left for her future studies. Little did they know she was going to be a great troublemaker there.

Y/n’s mom’s POV: She is a great troublemaker. I hope she won’t create trouble.

Y/n’s dad’s POV: It’s the first time she is going to live alone. I hope my daughter takes care of herself🙁. She is a good girl and I hope nobody bullies her. I’ve already told the principal to take extra care of my princess…. (End of POV)

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Y/n arrived at Seoul National University, where her father already had a house. It was conveniently located near Y/n’s university, so she stayed there.

         [The next day]

Y/n: Good morning, Y/n. Today is your first day at the university, and there is no one for you, not your mom, dad, nor your friends. You’re all alone. sighs

Y/n gets ready and leaves for her university.

     [In the principal’s office]

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Y/n: Hello sirâ˜ș. My name is Y/n.

Principal: Oh, so you’re the daughter of Mr. Park.

Y/n: Yes.

Principal: Your father is my good friend, and he told me to take care of you. But as you know, I’m the principal of this university, and I have lots of work to do. So, I am introducing you to our top two students who will take care of you and help you with your studies. They are also your classmates, so you will meet them in your class. I have already told them about you, so you just need to tell them your name.

Y/n: Okay, sir.

Principal: I hope you have a good time here.

Y/n: Thank you sirâ˜ș

         [In class]

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      WhatsApp Image 2023 07 09 at 3.34.23 PM

Teacher: Good morning students. Today we have a new student in our class.

Students: One more nerd. make annoyed faces

Teacher: Please introduce yourself.

Y/n: Hello, my name is Park Y/nâ˜ș. I hope we have a good time together.

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Boys: Is she a model or something😳? looking at her head to toe

Girls: Why is she more beautiful than usđŸ˜¶? jealous

Another girl: Maybe she’s someone’s sugar baby.

Y/n’s POV: They’re annoying.

Teacher: Y/n, go and sit on the second last bench.

Y/n’s POV: Shocked How did she know I’m a backbencher?

Y/n: Yes, teacher. looks at the direction where the teacher told her to sit Shocked.


Y/n’s POV: Those two boys are from heaven. Why are they so handsomeđŸ˜Č? I want to die🙊. Ahhh, they’re so handsome Man, I can’t handle so much handsomeness.

Jungkook: looks at Y/n

Y/n’s POV: OMG, he is looking at me😳. He’s so cuteđŸ„°. I’m lucky to have two handsome boys as my desk mates.

Jungkook’s POV: This girl is so weird, and why is she looking at me like this?

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looks at Taehyung, who is lost in a book

Maybe it’s not just me. But wait, what’s her name again? I didn’t listen to her name because I was busy reading books. No, she’s my desk mate, so I can ask her name.

Y/n: Hello, my name is Y/n. shy🙈

Jungkook: Hello, my name is Jungkook.

(Oh, so her name is Y/n. Is she the girl the principal told us about?)

Y/n: Oh, so you’re going to help me with my studies?

Jungkook: Yes.

Y/n: And who is that hot guy next to you?

Jungkook: He is Taehyung. The principal didn’t tell you about him?

Y/n: No, he didn’tđŸ™…đŸ»â€â™€ïž. I was just asking.

Jungkook: Oh, okay.

Y/n: Yeah.

Taehyung: looks at her Jungkook, who is she? cold

             taehyung pic

Y/n: Hi, I’m Y/n. Principal Sir told you about me.

Taehyung: Oh, yeah, he did. So, you’re the new studentâ˜ș

Y/n: Yeah.

Taehyung: Principal Sir told us that you’re really weak in studies😏

Y/n: awkwardly Yeah, kind of😐

Taehyung: “Kind of”? He showed us your old school marks sheet, and you just got passing marksđŸ€­

Y/n: embarrassed

Jungkook: Taehyung, stop asking those stupid questions😑💱

Taehyung: I’m just asking her, and I like how honest she is.

Jungkook: Yeah, I also like that about her. Y/n, these are the notes that you missed.

passes her some books and a copy

Y/n: Thank you. smilesâ˜ș

Taehyung: (She is really beautiful 😍 but she looks even more beautiful when she smiles😉)

Jungkook: (She is really beautiful.)

Teacher: Class, focus on the board.

Jungkook: Let’s focus on our class.

Y/n: Yeah.

    [At Lunchtime]

Y/n: It’s too much for me to writeđŸ™‡đŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ™‡đŸ»â€â™€ïž

Jungkook: giggles Then who told you to take late admission?

Y/n: awkwardly laughs

Y/n’s POV: I did take my admission on time, but I just didn’t want to leave my parents. So I made lots of excuses to not come here, but still, I ended up here all alone. upset But I’m lucky that I met both of you.

Y/n: But still, I didn’t understand this and this, this, this, and this one too😐.

Taehyung: That means you didn’t understand a single thing. chuckles

Y/n: (What can be more embarrassing than this?)

Taehyung: Then let’s meet at a cafe to study after school.

Y/n: Why not at my house? And there’s Aunty May, she cooks really delicious food.

Taehyung: I think it’s not a good idea.

Y/n: Please. shows puppy eyesđŸ„ș❀

Taehyung: Hmm.

Jungkook: Okay, we will come.

Y/n: Thank you. happyđŸ„ł

Jungkook and Taehyung were happy to see Y/n happy.

          [After school at Y/n’s house]

Y/n: I made two handsome friends. I’m so lucky. says excitedly But I’m kind of tired. lies in bed I’m really happy today. falls asleep


                 [Some time later]

Jungkook and Taehyung arrive at Y/n’s house.

Jungkook: Hello, is anyone here?

Aunty May: Hello, kids. You’re young Miss Y/n’s friends?

Taehyung: Yes.

Aunty May: Young Miss told me to please come inside and have a seat.

Jungkook: Okay, thank youâ˜ș

Taehyung: Where is Y/n?

Aunty May: Miss Y/n is in her room.

Taehyung: Oh, okay.

Aunty May: You guys can study here, and I’ll bring you snacks later. This is Y/n’s room.

Taehyung: Okay, thank you, Aunty.

Jungkook: Let’s go and surprise her😃

Taehyung: You mean scare her😁

Jungkook: smiles

They go inside Y/n’s room and see Y/n sleeping peacefully. She looks really cute while sleeping, and they can’t take their eyes off her.

Jungkook: (She is so cuteđŸ„ș❀)

Taehyung: (She looks really beautifulđŸ„°)

They continue looking at Y/n until someone knocks on the door, bringing them back to reality.

Taehyung: It must be Aunty May.

Jungkook: Yeah, you go and talk with her, and I’ll wake up Y/n.

Taehyung: Okay.

Taehyung goes and talks to Aunt May while Jungkook wakes up Y/n.

Taehyung: Aunty May brought some snacks.

Y/n: What are you both doing here?đŸ»â€â™€ïž

in a sleepy voice

Jungkook: We’re here to study. You need to get up and freshen up. We’re going to study together.

Y/n: Fine. leaves for the washroom

After some time, Y/n comes out from the washroom, and they start studying.

But in the middle, Y/n’s phone rings, and Y/n picks up the call.

Y/n: Hello, Dad. Why did you call me? excitedly

Y/n’s dad: Why can’t I call my daughter? It’s only been a day, and my daughter doesn’t want to talk with me. emotionallyđŸ„ș

Y/n: Stop overreacting. If you care about me so much, you wouldn’t have sent me so far from you.

Y/n’s dad: I did that for your own good. By the way, I called you because I sent you something. I thought you would get bored there, so…

Y/n: Tell me, what did you send me? excitedly

Y/n: I’m going to check it. Bye, talk to you later. excited and happy *Ends the call*

Jungkook: What did your dad send?

Y/n: Why don’t you see it with me?

Jungkook: Okay, let’s see what’s making you so happy. closes the book

They all go and see a big parcel.

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Taehyung: What could be inside this parcel?

Y/n opens the parcel and sees lots of video games.

Y/n: Wow!

Aunty May: The master prepared a special game room for you because he thought you would get bored, so you can spend your time there.

Y/n: My dad knows me really well. happy

Y/n: Taehyung, why don’t we try these games?

Taehyung: No 😐

At the same time,

Jungkook: Bro, only for a little while, please. shows puppy eyesđŸ„ș

Y/n: Please. shows puppy eyesđŸ„ș😗

Taehyung: Fine.

They start playing and lose track of time. It’s already night.

Aunty May: Young lady, it’s already late. You should have your dinner.

Y/n: Aunty, just 5 more minutes.

Aunty May: It’s already 8:30 and you have early classes tomorrow.

Taehyung: What?! 8:30? shocked😧

Jungkook: What?! 8:30? shocked😧

At the same time,

Taehyung: We didn’t study all day.

Y/n: It’s not a big deal. We’ll study tomorrow. Let’s go and have our dinner.

Taehyung: But…

Jungkook: Bro, it’s not a big deal if we don’t study for one day,


Y/n: That’s what I’m trying to say.

Taehyung: Yeah, you’re right. I’m hungry. Let’s go and eat.

Then they had their dinner, and Jungkook and Taehyung left for their houses.

    [In Taehyung’s house]

Taehyung’s mom: sees Taehyung coming home Taehyung, where have you been? It’s so late.

Taehyung: Mom, I told you I went to a friend’s house to study.

Taehyung’s mom: Yeah, so how was your time with your friends?

Taehyung: It was good. We are helping each other in studying, so from now on, we are going to study together. It’s really good to study together.

Taehyung’s mom: Okay, I don’t have any problem, but just study hard and be the top student as always.

Taehyung: Yes, Mom.

Taehyung’s mom: Okay, now come and have your dinner.

Taehyung: Mom, I already had my dinner at my friend’s house, and I’m kind of tired. Tomorrow, I have an early class.

Taehyung’s mom: Oh, okay. Go and rest.

Then they both start to study, or you can say they start to have a fun time together. They study for one hour but end up playing for three hours. As they are not focusing on their studies, their grades begin to decline. On the day of their results, Taehyung’s mom notices his lower rank.

Taehyung’s mom: Taehyung, what’s with your results? You’re fifth in class. You always used to come first, and you went to your friend’s house to study for hours. Why this result?💱

Taehyung: Mom, it’s just…

Taehyung’s mom: I don’t want to hear any excuses. You’re not going to your friend’s house anymore💱


       [At the university]

Y/n: Taehyung, you got fifth place in our class. You should be happy. What’s with that look?

Jungkook: He always comes first in our entire university. joins the conversation

Y/n: Oh, but you should still be happy that you came sixth in our class.

Taehyung: He always comes second in our entire university.

Y/n’s POV: And here I am, happy as hell just to pass😃 and it’s not like they failed the exam.

Y/n: But still, you guys should be happy that you didn’t fail.

Taehyung and Jungkook laugh.

Taehyung, Jungkook: Yeah, we know. Now let’s go celebrate that you passed the exam for the first time.

Y/n: Who said I passed the exam for the first time? I passed exams when I was in first grade.

Taehyung and Jungkook laugh😂

Jungkook, Taehyung: Yeah, we know. Now let’s go celebrate together. laughing😂

Y/n: Don’t laugh. annoyed😑

Taehyung: Aww, little baby is angryđŸ„ș😁

Y/n: I’m not a baby. in a little angry voice

       [The end]


  1. bts ff
  2. bts fanfiction
  3. bts ff wattpad
  4. taehyung ff
  5. jungkook ff
  6. wattpad bts
  7. bts wattpad

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