Bts fanfiction Destined to be together | bts ff taehyung oneshot | bts ff 2023 |

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Bts fanfiction

Destined to be together

WhatsApp Image 2023 07 16 at 11.35.14 PM

Y/N walked into her new classroom, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She had heard rumors about Mr. Kim Taehyung, a strict and demanding teacher known for his high standards. As a self-proclaimed weak student, Y/N couldn’t help but worry about her performance in his class.

The first day of school arrived, and Y/N took her seat, preparing for the challenge ahead. Mr. Kim entered the room with an air of authority, commanding the attention of every student.

Bts fanfiction

taehyung teacher uniform

Mr. kim:
“Good morning, class. I am Mr. Kim Taehyung, your mathematics teacher. I expect nothing but the best from each and every one of you.”

The class was silent, intimidated by his stern demeanor. Y/N felt a knot forming in her stomach, but she was determined to prove herself.

Weeks turned into months, and Y/N worked tirelessly to improve her math skills. She attended extra tutoring sessions, spent hours studying, and sought help whenever she faced challenges. Mr. Kim noticed her efforts but remained strict and uncompromising.
Taehyung reading books

One day, Mr. Kim announced a surprise exam that would test their knowledge of the subject. The tension in the classroom grew palpable as students nervously prepared for the assessment.

When the results were announced, Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest. She had given her all, hoping to make a significant improvement. As the papers were returned, Y/N’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Mr. kim: “The highest score in the class is… Y/N!”

The room erupted in whispers of surprise and admiration. Y/N had surpassed everyone’s expectations, including her own. Mr. Kim, though surprised, couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride.

Mr. kim: “Y/N, you have proven yourself. Your hard work and dedication have paid off. I must commend you for your remarkable improvement.”

Bts fanfiction

WhatsApp Video 2023 07 16 at 11.35.11 PM

Y/N’s face lit up with a mixture of joy and relief. She had overcome her weaknesses and earned the recognition she had longed for. From that day forward, Y/N’s relationship with Mr. Kim began to shift.

Mr. Kim became more encouraging, recognizing her potential and offering guidance to further enhance her skills. Y/N continued to excel in his class, gaining confidence in her abilities.

One afternoon, after a particularly challenging lesson, Mr. Kim asked Y/N to stay behind.

Mr. kim: “Y/N, I want to apologize for my strictness in the past. My intention was to push you to realize your full potential. I see now that you are capable of great things.”

Y/N: “Thank you, Mr. Kim. Your tough approach forced me to step out of my comfort zone and work harder than ever before. I’m grateful for the belief you had in me.”

As the school year progressed, Y/N and Mr. Kim formed a unique bond built on mutual respect and shared determination. Y/N continued to excel academically, not only in math but in other subjects as well.

One day, during a private study session, their conversation veered away from academics.

Y/N: “Mr. Kim, can I ask you something personal?”

Mr. kim: “Of course, Y/N. You can always come to me with any questions or concerns.”

Y/N took a deep breath, gathering her courage.

Y/N: “Mr. Kim, I’ve come to admire and care for you deeply. There’s something more than admiration that I feel… It’s love.”

Mr. Kim looked at Y/N, his eyes reflecting surprise and warmth.

Mr. kim: “Y/N, your dedication and growth have touched my heart. I can’t deny the connection we share. But it can complicate many things.”

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, they knew their bond would forever transcend the boundaries of the classroom.

Y/N nodded, understanding the complexities of their situation.

Y/N: “I understand, Mr. Kim. Our feelings may complicate things, but I wanted to be honest with you. Regardless of what happens, I am grateful for everything you’ve done for me.”

Mr. Kim’s gaze softened as he reached out to gently touch Y/N’s hand.

Mr. kim: “Y/N, you’re an incredible person, and I value our connection. Let’s continue to support each other as we navigate this journey. Who knows what the future holds?”

They both knew that their bond was undeniable, but they also recognized the importance of patience and understanding.

Over time, Y/N continued to flourish academically, and Mr. Kim remained her steadfast mentor and supporter. Their relationship evolved, intertwining their personal and professional lives in a delicate balance.

As they faced challenges together, their connection deepened. They shared stolen glances, secret smiles, and moments of stolen affection. But they were careful to keep their romance discreet, understanding the need for boundaries and the potential consequences.

Years Later

Y/N stood on the stage, accepting an award for her achievements.

Y/N: “I want to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Kim for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself.”

The audience applauded, and Y/N’s eyes met Mr. Kim’s.

Y/N: “Your guidance and support have meant everything to me. Thank you for pushing me to become the best version of myself.”

Mr. Kim smiled proudly as the room erupted in applause, recognizing his role in Y/N’s success.

Y/N continued, her voice filled with emotion: “But my gratitude extends far beyond the realm of academics.”

Mr. Kim’s eyes widened in surprise as he leaned forward, captivated by Y/N’s words.

Y/N: “There’s something else I want to say. Mr. Kim, you’ve shown me what it means to be loved, supported, and challenged. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?”

The room fell into stunned silence as Mr. Kim’s eyes widened in surprise.

Mr. kim: “Y/N, you’ve captured my heart in ways I never thought possible. Yes, a thousand times, yes!”

The audience erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating the beautiful moment of love and commitment.

And in that moment, Y/N and Mr. Kim sealed their love with a tender kiss, oblivious to the world around them. The applause and cheers faded into the background as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the moment.

Few more Years later

they married, inspiring many. Their love story symbolized perseverance and following their hearts.

Y/N and Mr. Kim danced, grateful for their transformative love. Their story will be remembered—a connection between two souls destined to be together.

<The end>

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