Mafia kim taehyung part-8

By Kehqasa

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Y/n: I’m thinking about proposing taehyung will he accept my proposal, I wish he accept it but if he didn’t then I’ll say it’s a prank, I know it’s too fast it’s been a month since we are friends but I fall for him never thought I’ll fall for someone this hard but I fall, let’s see is it’s going to become a prank or reality

On the other side

taehyung thinking

Taehyung: she is innocent and cute yet I have to use her that’s soo bad I don’t want to do but I don’t have any other option. I wish she isn’t a daughter of police officer but she is the daughter of chief officer of I want Police never come in my way then I have to hurt her, I already told jk to search for his daughter but it’s like she never existed in this world that old man must be leying to me but I told him that I already found his daughter he surely try to contact has daughter if he had one, I know if he want he can win the whole world but he doesn’t,that man is confusing me soo much

In the basement

Jk: I have bring you food
!?: Jk I want to go out form here
Jk: why all of a sudden you want to kill taehyung soo forget about it I’ll never let you go I don’t know what you’re trying to hide but I can’t let you go
!?: I’m not saying this as your boss but I’m saying this as your uncle you know you’re parents crime
Jk: uncle you want to meet her why all of sudden you never want to meet her in this past 10 years
!?: Because I never want her to get hurt because of me you know if the truth gets out your mom and dad has to dead because of their sin,…. they want to become powerful so they coment a sin I wish they never do this thing they don’t want to be a part of a Mafia family but want to be powerful and rich in all this they…..

Jk: they abound me too if you where not there I want be alive I never want to meet them in this past 10 years I don’t even remember there face as I forgot about my past memories in a maison
!?: I know but you have to know that too that I’m not going to help your parents anymore I don’t want to lose, my the reason of my life, I can’t live without my daughter I already lost my wife because of your parents, to save your parents she dead and the person who killed your aunt was non other than taehyung
Jk: 😓 because of my parents your happy family distorted
!?: 🙂No as a Mafia pain is in our life I lost my love taehyung lost his parents you’re going to lose your parents
Jk: uncle please don’t say that I know they abound me because of their selfienees but I am happy that there alive somewhere
!?: Sorry if I have to be the reason of my own brother and sister in law dead for saving my daughter then I am sorry I love my daughter and I already helped your parents as much as I can now I can’t risk my daughter life in denger as your happy thinking about you parents are save and sound somewhere even your not with them I’m also happy thinking about my daughter is save but I always want to meet her but because of my identity I have to stay away from her
Jk: I understand uncle I’ll think about letting you go
!?: Then think but just remember if I tell this to taehyung then…..but I know I don’t have to
Jk: …….. silent
!?: Leave me alone Jong kook
Jk: ok uncle left from there pov I remember when I lost my memories I just lost how my parents look like the time I spent with my parents only that part of my life other than that I remember everything 😂🤣🤣 every single thing 😢 but I just hope my little sister should be save and sound I miss you my cupcake 🥰 your brother miss you, let’s go jk you have to go and meet y/n

To be continued…
Next part-9

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