Mafia kim taehyung part-4

By Kehqasa

Updated on:

Laying on bed


Taehyung: that old man give me stress after telling me about he had a daughter but how I know him from past 10 years but I never know he had a family of he have a daughter then why I never know about it ahhhhhhh it’s starts to give me headache just sleep for now and think about this later as you have meeting to attend in the morning note- it’s 4:00 am then he tried to sleep after 20 minutes of struggle he slept

Next morning

Y/n: you woke up and get ready for hospital to meet your dad an mom then you left for hospital after sometime you ruched there you brought breakfast with you for your dad and mom
Y/n: dad how are you now
Y/n dad: I’m totally fine Sweety
Y/n: I brought breakfast for you and mom
Y/n dad: that’s soo sweet of you my sweety
Y/n mom: after all whose daughter she is
Y/n dad pov:
😶If she do anything worrng then she is my daughter of she do anything good then she is her daughter

Y/n pov:
“Why they’re behaving like I rarely do smart things and aren’t it’s normal for me to bring breakfast for them maybe not for them”
Y/n: mom why are saying like that it’s not like it’s my first time bring breakfast or lunch for you and dad
Y/n mom: yeah only this habit of yours is like me or you do everything like your dad
Y/n dad: 🙂emotional damage
Y/n: ok fine, now let’s have our breakfast I didn’t had my breakfast cause I want to eat with you guys but you both start arguing with each other
Y/n dad: why you didn’t had breakfast it’s 11: am already you’re having your breakfast at this time you know na you should have your breakfast until 9: am
Y/n: yeah dad I know but I made this breakfast for you both with my own hands
Y/n mom: what do u mean by your own hands or what you’re going to use some else hands for making food
Y/n: I mean I pepper this breakfast myself
Y/n mom: you did what!?
Y/n dad: you did what!?
“both at the same time”
Y/n: I made this breakfast myself just for you both
Y/n dad: this is your frist time cooking right
both at the same time
Y/n: I made this breakfast myself just for you both
Y/n dad: this is your frist time cooking right
Y/n: yep
Y/n mom: I’m still young to die
Y/n: 😐…..🥺 How can you say that mom you haven’t try the breakfast made by me and you’re saying that you will dead after eating food made by me
Y/n mom: no I didn’t mean by that honey I would love to food made by you I was just say after eating your breakfast I mission coming to this world will complete soo I can dead peacefully
Y/n dad pov:
“Her meaning changed really fast”
Y/n mom: ok soo now let’s have breakfast after that I have meeting to attend
Y/n dad: honey you’re leaving me in this condition
Y/n mom: you’re the responsible for your condition but now doctor said you’re fine it’s just you’re not allow to use you hand and leg
Y/n dad: then how I’m going to pee
Y/n mom: I’ll come back after attending this meeting this meeting is important for our company
Y/n dad: ok
Y/n: now can we start eating I’m really hungry
Y/n mom: yes
Y/n dad: sorry we forget you’re hungry
Y/n: forget whatever you want please just don’t forget I’m hungry
Y/n dad: ok now no talk only eating
Y/n: yes
Y/n mom: start eating (please god save me take first bite) 🤔 umm it’s really testy 😲
Y/n dad: what really let me test*take a bite*yeah it’s test good
Y/n: I told you na I’m a great chief🤥

Y/n mom pov:
Chief !! I thought don’t know what she had made but it’s just Nutella sandwich and orenge juice I was overreact for no reason

Y/n dad POV:
this sandwich is really testy and chocolaty

On the other side

To be continued…
Next part-5

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