Mafia kim taehyung part-3

By Kehqasa

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Y/n: Mom you’re here
Y/n mom: 😢hubby are you fine !?
Y/n dad: yes honey I’m fine
Y/n mom: you know how worried I was for you, when I got the news you got hurt
Y/n dad: sorry for making you worried honey
Y/n mom: 😢 I have told you to be careful you but you never listen to me you both father and daughter never wants to listen to me
Y/n: mom why did you bring me in this topic
Y/n dad: *look at her* (👀as you didn’t disobey your mother should I tell you mom about that) *talk with his eyes *
Y/n: (no dad please I’m still young to die)
Y/n mom: did you had your lunch y/n
Y/n: actually mom..
Y/n mom: 😤I knew it you both father and daughter are pain in my a&&, I’m going to bring you both food if you dare to create a trouble for me then remember you y/n you want be allow to go out for 1 week and you to your dad you will sleep in study room for a month
Y/n dad: that’s unfair she only get one week panishment and me get one month panishment
Y/n mom: ok fine you get two months ok
Y/n dad: hmm that’s good, wait what I told you to discuss not to increase I only sleep in study room for a week don’t accept more then that
Y/n mom: do whatever you want but don’t create trouble
Y/n: ok
Y/n dad: 😤do we look trouble makers to you
Y/n mom: yes *left from there*
Y/n dad: 😶😶😶
Y/n: 🌝emotional damage
Y/n dad: look at you (😶🙂 what kind of daughter I have she should comfort me but she is making fun of me)

After sometime

Y/n mom: you both have some food and please don’t do this kind of thing I love you I can’t see you in pain *tear eyes*
Y/n: (🤧I know she is bossy but she loves us the most 😊and ofcourse my father ) I love you mom an dad
Y/n mom: ok now eat something you guys haven’t eaten anything especially you mr *to your dad*
Y/n dad: yes boss

After eating

Y/n mom: y/n you go and take some rest I’ll stay here with your dad
Y/n: no mom I’ll stay with dad
Y/n mom: now you’re going to disobey me
Y/n: not at all mom I’m going home
Y/n mom: hmm

After sometime you left the hospital and ruched your home no one was there in your house as your mom and dad are in hospital and the housekeeper already left as his working time is over you go inside your room then take a shower after taking shower you change your clothes into night clothes
Y/n: ley in bed (who was that guy he was looking like a Disney Prince form back I want to meet him I wish I have seen her face that time soo that I can say thank you but whenever I think about him my heart start beating fast I don’t know what feeling is this but I like it)fall asleep

On the other side in a dark room there was a one light which is very deem it’s only showing one family picture one happy mother who was carrying her one year old son in her arm one happy father who is carrying his 4 years older son on his solder there looking really happy in the picture there whare many pictures but it’s all covered in darkness

Taehyung crying image

Taehyung: we where a happy family before but that one incident change everything I’ll promise you mom dad and my little brother I’ll kill those people who killed our happy family😢

Taehyung crying gif

I wish I can change everything but I can’t I can’t 😭 I’m really powerful now mom, dad but I can’t bring you back I love you mom dad I love you please come back to me your Little tager is missing you these all things started 10 years ago I didn’t able to save you *get angry*😠😠 but I’ll promise I’ll distroy those people who distroy our happy family I’ll make them pay with their and their family life *left from there and go to the secret basement*

[Note- there are many secret basement in taehyung house but this basement is very secret only he and Jung kook know about this]

In the basement one man was tie with rops in a chair he was siting lifeless in that chair he also had been tortured some scar are new and some are old look like he is here from many years taehyung go and sit on the couch like a king

Taehyung: *caml yet scary voice* you’re still not going to tell me who was behind the dead of my family
Unknown??: Silent
Taehyung: don’t make me more angry with this silence of yours
Unknown??: Then what will you do killed me or torture me as you do but remember in the position you’re now it’s all because of me if I want I can remove you from this position or even from this world
Taehyung: huh!? Really you’re here in this basement from past 5 years but still you’re not able to do anything then what will you do now
Unknown!?: Do I need to tell you how powerful I’m
Taehyung: you were powerful before but not anymore but one thing I should say you’re really strong old man even after 5, years getting torture by me but still didn’t tell me the truth
Unknown??: Do you really think you can find the real culprit your still a kid tae
Taehyung: I’m not and I’ll find out who killed my parents if you’re also behind this I’ll kill you too
Unknown: do whatever you can do but remember antill you don’t find my daughter you want be able to find the truth
Taehyung: but you don’t have any daughter!? you never marry anyone
Unknown: it’s a long story I’ll tell you when I’m on the mood soo now go and send me a new pair of clothes this cloth already get dirty and send some medicine too and I’m hungry
Taehyung: it’s not a hotel and I’m not your sarvent *left from there*
Unknown: 😏really!?smirk (🙂I wish you’re fine my dear daughter and brother)
Taehyung: call jk jk go and send some medicine, food and clothes to that old man
Jk: I know he is old but he doesn’t look old at all
Taehyung: just do what I have said *call end* (daughter!? He have never told me about his daughter and as I know he never had any relationship then how come he had any daughter)

To be continued…
Next part-4

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